Wisely Ong I wasn’t ready to meet up with Kenji when one of our mutual friend recommended him. Back then, insurance planning wasn’t on my list and I don’t regard it of any importance. Nonetheless, i went ahead with the appointment half heartedly.
Kenji keep the whole session simple, highlighted the importance of insurance and how getting myself insured is an act of a responsible adult.
Kenji took on the consultative role well as he put himself in my shoes, see and think from my prospective and proposed a solution to meet my financial needs. He gave me ample time to think over before I make a decision. I’m sure you don’t often come across a insurance person who is not pushy. I’m glad Kenji is such and I never regretted meeting him.
And as you can tell from the picture, we became good friends and I proudly introduced him as my insurance guru during my birthday party! |